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Prophetic Temple of Praise New Birth Centre is a community based church with the sole aim of leading and teaching everyone about Jesus Christ, the Word and the love He has for all of us. Everyone has access to Jesus Christ whatever your age or gender. All are welcome to come and develop their personal relationship with Jesus Christ. 


We encourage everyone to learn who Jesus is and the relationship He longs to have with all of us. It is through the finished work of the cross that enables us to walk with Christ and involve Him in every aspect of our lives through the Holy Spirit. 


The motto of the church is Birthing Destiny, Living in Purpose. Everyone is born with a destiny placed inside us by God to fulfil. Our aim as a church is to create an awareness of your destiny and to complete it through your daily relationship with Jesus.


Everyday gets us closer to fulfilling our purpose and the mission God has designed for us all to complete. Spending time with Jesus Christ in prayer and fasting as well as learning about Jesus Christ through the Bible helps us complete our purpose and destiny. 


We believe the Bible to be fully alive, truthful and powerful enough to lead us and guide us towards a closer relationship with Jesus Christ. Reading and meditating on God’s Word is crucial in maintaining our personal relationship with Jesus Christ and will helps us to fulfill the destiny and purpose that has been placed inside each and everyone one of us.



"‘For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires"


Hebrews 4:12 


We are passionate about seeing people fulfill their destiny. We know what is means to be overlooked and underestimated; At Prophetic Temple of Praise we look deeper than face value to help you discover and live in your uniqueness. 


Our community is made of people from all walks of life and we believe that everyone is respectfully and wonderfully made....


Come to discover who you are and walk in your full potential.


The Overseers  of Prophetic Temple of Praise are Apostle Anthony and Prophetess Glenda Holder. They have a passion for Jesus Christ and for everyone to discover and fulfill the purpose God has placed inside each of us.


They encourage everyone to develop and maintain a personal relationship with Jesus so that each person ,through Gods help, can transform their families, thier communities and the world.

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